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您的位置: 赛矽电子 > AMCOM > AM011037WM-FM-R



产 品 说 明
AM011037WM-FM-R 型号AM011037WM-FM-R 品牌AM011037WM-FM-R 备注


AMCOM’s AM011037WM-BM/EM/FM-R is part of the GaAs pHEMT MMIC power amplifier series. This high 

efficiency MMIC is a 2-stage GaAs pHEMT power amplifier biased at +8V. The input and inter-stage matching 

networks cover 0.1 to 1GHz. This MMIC requires output external matching to your band of interest between 0.1GHz 

to 1GHz to provide maximum bandwidth flexibility. As an example, one of the available evaluation boards has over 

30dB gain, 6 watts (38dBm) saturated output power over the 0.2 to 0.3GHz band. This MMIC is in a ceramic 

package with both RF and DC leads at the lower level of the package to facilitate low-cost SMT assembly to PC 

board. When mounting directly to PCB, please see application note AN700 for instructions. Because of high DC 

power dissipation, we strongly recommend to mount this device directly on a metal heat sink. The 

AM011037WM-FM-R is the AM011037WM-BM-R mounted on a gold plated copper flange carrier. The EM package 

has the same footprint as the FM package with straight leads and a Copper/Tungsten flange instead of the Copper 

flange. There are two screw holes on the flange to facilitate screwing on to a metal heat sink. This MMIC is RoHS 



 Frequency applications from 0.1 to 1GHz

 High output power, P1dB = 37dBm

 High gain > 30dB

 Input matched from 0.1GHz to 1GHz

 High efficiency > 40%


 Cellular & PCS Base Station

 0.1 to 1GHz Applications

 Radio Service

 Broadcasting


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